If the government does not raise the debt limit and defaults on its debt in any way, the value of treasury bonds all across the curve will fall as yields spike. 如果美国政府未能提高债务上限,而且出现任何方式的违约,各种国债的价值都将随着收益率的上升而下降。
The deal also increases the nation's debt limit. 这项协议同时调高了国家的债务上限。
The debt limit is the amount of money that the government is permitted to borrow. 国债限额是指政府允许借款的总额。
Congress and the president must now turn their attention to issues like the budget for next year and the debt limit. 国会和总统现在必须把注意力转向来年预算和国债限额一类的问题。
We have no alternative but to raise the debt ceiling and it would be irresponsible to use the need to raise the debt limit as a way to force a crisis that could undermine the US economy and its standing in the world very severely. 我们别无选择,只能提高债务上限。而趁机引发一场会严重削弱美国经济及其世界地位的危机,是一种不负责任的行为。
As we consider the debt limit we want to attach spending cuts and spending controls to it. 因为我们认为这个我们想附加的债务限额既削减了开资又限制了开资。
The debt limit is a symptom of that but if debt becomes the be all and end all, it becomes easier for liberals to push a combination of future spending cuts that are not enforceable and immediate tax increases, he said. 突破债务上限是过度支出的一个症状,但如果削减债务成为终极目的,自由派人士将更容易同时推动无法执行的未来支出削减和立即生效的增税措施。
The spectacle of the debate over raising the federal debt limit in August seems likely to be repeated when the next public financing deadline comes up this month. 随着下一个关于公共财政的最后期限在本月到来,8月份围绕提高联邦债务上限的争吵场面恐将重演。
However, before one becomes overly euphoric, we would caution that increasing the debt limit means increasing the debt-and too much debt was the problem in the first place in the United States. 然而,在人们过度兴奋之前,我们必须警告,增加债务限额意味着债务的增加。债务过高是目前美国最严重的问题。
Republican supporters of the conservative Tea Party movement will worry that the cuts can't be enforced while some don't think the debt limit should be raised at all. 保守派茶党运动的共和党支持者担心支出削减将不会得到执行,还有一些人担心债务限额根本不会提高。
Q What is the debt limit? Q什么是债务限额?
Recent debt limit agreement was a wake-up call for people, predict this in the long term may worsen sharply. 近期的债务上限协议为人们敲响了警钟,预示情况在长期内可能会大幅恶化。
One peculiarity of the debt limit is that it applies to the gross federal debt, much of which is held by the government itself. 美国债务限额的一个独特之处在于,它适用于联邦债务总额,而其中大部分由政府自身持有。
President Obama has said time is running out for a political deal to raise America's debt limit and stabilise the economy by cutting spending. 奥巴马总统曾表示,达成政治协议,提高美国债务上限,通过削减支出来稳定经济的时间已经很紧迫。
The Treasury Department has warned it will run out of money to cover the country's bills if Congress does not raise the debt limit by Aug.2. 美国财政部警告,如果国会不能在8月2日之前提高债务限额,财政部将掏空所有的钱来为国家的账单买单。
In dueling weekly radio addresses President Obama and Republicans staked out their positions on how to increase the nation's$ 14.3 trillion debt limit. 在针锋相对的每周例行讲话中,奥巴马总统和共和党人各自提出了他们在如何提高美国14.3万亿美元债务上限问题上的立场。
Mr Obama warned that markets could go haywire if there is another confrontation over the US debt limit. 奥巴马警告称,如果在债务上限问题再次发生对峙,市场可能会陷入混乱。
Treasury has yet to face a situation in which it was unable to pay its obligations as a result of reaching the debt limit. 财政部还没有遇到过因达到债务上限而无法支付债务的局面。
And the destructive debate surrounding the debt limit this summer has damaged the confidence of American businesses and consumers. 今夏围绕着债务上限所进行的非建设性的论战损害了美国企业与消费者的信心。
Immediately after lifting the debt limit or ideally as part of it, we must take resolute action on the long-term deficits. 一旦提高了债务上限(更理想的状况是达成更大范围的协议),我们必须立即采取果断措施,以解决长期赤字问题。
The deal will not raise the US debt limit, which will have to be lifted again in 2014 to avoid a new brush with default. 该预算协议不会提高美国的债务上限,要避免新的违约风险,债务上限必须在2014年再次上调。
The administration does not believe the debt limit should be used as a bargaining chip to extract concessions. 奥巴马政府认为不应该将提高债务上限当做获得让步的筹码。
The sale, at a rate of up to$ 10bn a month, will help reduce the federal deficit, but officials stressed its timing was not related to an impending debt limit crunch. 出售速度为每月至多100亿美元。这些资产的出售将有助于减少联邦赤字,但官员们强调,出售时机与即将到来的债务限额危机时刻无关。
Sustaining a truce on the debt limit will be difficult, analysts cautioned. 分析师们告诫称,在债务上限问题上保持休战将很困难。
Imagine that one day soon, the borrowing slams up against the current debt limit ceiling of$ 14.3 trillion and Congress fails to raise it. 想象不久的一天,借款猛击上去攻打非流动负债限制14.3万亿美元的天花板和国会选举失败来提高它。
By ensuring a debt limit increase of at least$ 2.1 trillion, this deal removes the specter of default, providing important certainty to our economy at a fragile moment. 通过确保至少2.1万亿美元的债务上限提高,这项协议将消除违约的恐惧,在一个脆弱的时刻为我们的经济提供了重要的确定性。
Even if the debt limit is increased, the credit raters suggested that without a substantial deficit reduction plan, the US sovereign rating was still at risk of a downgrade. 即使提升了债务上限,但信用评级机构称如不能达成实质性的缩减赤字方案,则美国主权信用评级仍将面临降级威胁。
But a combination of growing public antipathy to deficits and fierce opposition to raising the federal debt limit this summer has changed the environment, and put Congress into a bind. 但随着今年夏季公众对赤字的反感愈演愈烈,加之对提高联邦债务上限的强烈反对,形势发生了变化,令美国国会陷入困境。
Investors are seeking alternatives to United States Treasury bonds as worries escalate that lawmakers will fail to rein in the deficit and raise the federal debt limit in the coming days. 由于对议员们在接下来几天控制赤字和提高联邦债务上限失败的担心与日俱增,投资者都在寻觅美国政府债券的替代品。